Volume 44, No 1, 2022, Pages 87-96
Evaluation of the Hardness and Wear Resistance of Alloyed Coatings From Fastening CuSn/CrxCy Mixture Hardened by Plasma and Laser
Van Trieu Nguyen ,
Natalya Anatolyevna Astafeva
Aleksandr Gennadievich Tikhonov
Andrey Evgenievich Balanovskiy
Van Huy Vu
DOI: 10.24874/ti.1074.03.21.07
Received: 15 March 2021
Revised: 31 May 2021
Accepted: 16 July 2021
Published: 15 March 2022
This article provides an assessment of the possibility of increasing the wear resistance of the alloyed surface layer for steel St3 during plasma and laser heating of the applied surface pre-coating of the mixture of CuSn/CrxCy alloys. Plasma is more suitable for reflow a pre-deposited layer of CuSn/CrxCy with a wide range of particle sizes than laser treatment. As a result, plasma coatings have a high hardness (460-700 HV) compared to laser coatings (250-500 HV). The tests carried out showed that the wear resistance increases in the following order: Steel St3 <laser coating (CuSn +% 20 OK 84.78) <plasma coating CuSn <plasma coating CuSn +% 20 OK 84.78. The results obtained showed that plasma heating of a mixture of bronze and chromium carbide possibly provides the development of technologies for surface hardening of carbon steel.
Cu-Sn, CrxCy, Plasma treatment, Laser treatment, Reflow, Cracks, Microhardness, Wear resistance